Posts tagged wellness
Fasting to Slow Down

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Our relationship to food is often complex, especially with the rapid-changing nature of its production against the background of millions of years of evolution.

Today there is much science around the benefits of different kinds of fasting - from water fasts and juice fasts for detoxing to intermittent fasting weekly.

In many wisdom traditions, there are practices of fasting for enhancing awareness and tuning the mind to spiritual growth.

Maintaining silence is also a type of fast. So, fasting is not only from food but anything we might be too dependent upon to thereby attenuate its role so that energy can be harnessed and redirected towards healing, creativity or transformation.

This episode shares personal experiences and explores how to safely and joyfully experiment with the right attitude and understanding.

(Music “New Apartment” by Coldbrew and “A Lonely Speck in the Great Enveloping Cosmic Dark” by Bing Satellites; artwork on website by Emily Dawn; Kind Mind podcast logo design by Jon Marro)

Welcome to Kind Mind!

Todd gives an introduction to the podcast for new listeners.

Additionally, the show now sometimes features dialogues with transformational thought leaders in the fields of art, music, science, philosophy, public service and beyond. Look for episodes with “Live Free or Dialogue” in the title.

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Raising Health

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We tend to take for granted when our bodies are healthy and strong. We also tend to assume the worst when there is pain and worry that it will never go away.

In my understanding, health is not a permanent state. Consider all the factors involved with health or disease: physical, psychological, genetic, social, environmental and more. And til now, death is still inevitable.

Each side of life is an opportunity to go beyond our limiting notions of self. In so-called good health, we can expand our awareness past the boundaries of our skin to feel the dis-ease in the wider field of our existence. Then, we can be an agent for positive change and healing.

Dis-ease is a signal to come back to our innermost being. To observe pain in the body with compassion and curiosity, again helps us feel less identified with the corporeal and find equanimity in the pure consciousness.

(Music by Ethereal Ephemera - “Slow Movement in the Light” and episode artwork on website by Emily Dawn Duforest)

Voice of the Open River

Image by Dove Dahlia

Rivers are worshiped in many spiritual traditions as living deities, often goddesses. Many sacred tales from around the world take place along their banks. The river also represents the flow of our life as directed by our values.

"A woman in harmony with her spirit is like a river flowing. She goes where she will without pretense and arrives at her destination prepared to be herself and only herself." -Maya Angelou